Good God....

I cant believe I am actually posting this....for those of you who knew me 2 years ago - and know how UNINTERESTED I was in dogs - this is proof that everyone can change dramatically and in unforseen ways! :)

Diesel was given this lovely jacket as an early Christmas present - it is extremely cold here this week and El, H and H thought he needed it now....Im not sure what he thinks about it, but he seems to like it...I personally cant believe I own a dog, which owns a jacket :-D However, he definitely looks VERY cool! :-D

Had a lovely evening downtown doing a little Christmas shopping with El.....I like going downtown on a Monday - makes it feel special - especially nice when I get to hang out with El :-) I need to get a photo of her soon - she hasnt been blipped in ages!

Ok...I need to go read another 20 pages of Catcher in the Rye before I can go get some sleep. Early morning tomorrow.
Hope you all have had a lovely day!

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