Burj Al Arab

Our flight was delayed by an hour as they had to defrost the plane at Heathrow and then a further delay as customs when we arrived in Dubai meant it had been a very long day with no sleep.

Our first drive to the hotel took us past the Burj Khalifa and my first impression of Dubai was much as I thought it would be. It struck me as a very fake place with lots of shine but not much soul. It does have the most amazing architecture and Im sure my opinion will change during the week.

We are staying at the Al Qasr Madinat Jumeirah which is just stunning and after a quick sleep we hit the beach. Our hotel is next to the Burj Al Arab which is such an iconic building and the only seven star hotel in the world. The beach is beautiful so I think its going to be a great holiday.

Burj Al Arab, Dubai

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