National Day

We decided to visit the Mall of the Emirates today and were amazed at how many UK brands were there. It was a fascinating mix of cultures with very conflicting and contradictory messages. A country wanting to attract the Western industry and tourism but still with traditional values. We also visited Ski Dubai which was huge and very surreal to see snow covered Christmas trees and kids tobogganing while it was hot outside.

Matt's friend Bruce lives in the city so we spent the evening with him and some other friends having a Braai. Its National Day here so there are flags and decorations all over the city. As we sat enjoying good wine on Bruce's balcony overlooking the marina there was a fireworks display celebrating the occasion. There was also a huge super yacht with a lights display being projected onto it. It was great to get the insider view on Dubai from people who live here and understand how things work. It was a great night but I know I'll have a sore head in the morning!

Dubai Marina, Dubai

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