Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

That 70s shirt

Traditional 70s Christmas buffet at work. I bought a shirt for the occasion. It went well with the party rings, twiglets and cheese and pineapple on a stick (see extra).

If I was a time lord I would probably dress like this all the time.

Our cleaner, the lovely J came today and sprinkled her magic dust around the house. She bought us an Amarilys which was very sweet. I popped out so as not to get under her feet and worked in the local gallery cafe.

Walking back I bumped into three people I know. One of them is a very mild mannered Christian ex colleague who does a lot of good work for the homeless and other charities. Never known him get angry but he was fuming about the impact of universal credit and the soaring use of food banks; it’s hitting people really hard. This Tory Government is an ethical and humanitarian nightmare.

After four days of moaning and bulllshit (them not us) the skip hire company finally came and took the metal monster away. Their staff were sent on the Basil Fawlty Customer Service training course and obviously passed out with top marks.

This evening we went for carols and nibbles at the local flats for the over 60s that opened earlier this year. The choir sang well. Not all at the same time, but well. I kept the shirt on and it was very popular, I like to bring a little colour into peoples’ lives.

Last working day tomorrow before Christmas for me. Thank the Lord.

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