Who's got Jonty's baby then?

Yes, Foxy got it and he's holding on to it. Earlier he was annoying the hell out of Jonty. Even when Jonty didn't want to play Foxy goaded him by running up to him and squeaking the baby right in his face. He, Foxy, would then turn and run until Jonty go so fed up with him he chased Foxy and eventually got the baby back.
Jonty left the baby lying on the bed and Foxy got up there via a chair, it's too high for him to jump directly onto the bed!

Nearly forgot to mention that they both got 'Progress' awards at the doggy school presentation evening tonight and a 'Special' progress award as they had both been handled by different people during the year and responded very well. Thanks to Margaret Garland, our class instructor, she's really marvellous when it comes to dogs and not only shows her own Collies but is a Border Collie judge as well.

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