Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Dirty dog


JR went to a double session of fitness. She's fully recovered, thank goodness. Things don’t get done if she's not on form! And there are a lot of things needing doing at this time of year...

Jordan took Archie out for their usual Hermitage of Braid Walk. He was delighted to report the birds he saw, including a dipper, but was still enthusing about the woodpecker he saw last week. You should have seen them coming in! Archie was BLACK (Jordan was fine, once he took his trainers off). Archie had to go straight into the shower, and then sat on Jordan's knee, damply. I would normally dry him right away, but if JR isn’t here, I just have to leave him - can’t really leave a visitor sitting in the lounge for half an hour.

The long awaited firewood arrived. On a big truck. On a pallet. I've used this company before, but I'm now remembering (vaguely) that it was a pallet of bags of coal, and the lorry driver helped me lift them in to our front garden. Not this time. I've got a HUGE amount of firewood (Extra). 48 nets, but I'd worked out I could store them all in both sheds.

JR had been keen to have a wander round Morningside shops, but (just as well for me) she hadn’t yet gone. So we had to lift all 48 bags into the sheds. Phew! I noticed how much heavier the nets were than the ones I have now... Hang on! Those logs look a wee bit big... Yes! They're all too big for our Baby Aga!! Aaaargghhh.

I wrote an email to the suppliers, pleading old age and inferring my faculties are dodgy, knowing nobody would even look at it on Friday afternoon befor the Christmas holidays. But a few minutes later Angus phoned, and was most concerned, but as we'd dismantled the pallet, he said there was nothing they could do and suggested selling them on Gumtree. He rang back a few minutes later to ask if they were in their nets, and so yes, they could take them back if we put them all back on the pallet. What a good man! We agreed to both have a Merry Christmas and he'd be in contact in January. Phew!

Talking of dodgy faculties... I've just sent my usual newsy Christmas email to a pal in NZ, then looked in my 'Sent' box to find that I’d already sent him one last week! Eeeek.

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