Christmas cards

Pretty wet and windy morning this morning, so we stayed in.  This meant finding things to do to entertain, so we made Christmas cards for our old childminder.  I tried to convince her to move to the town we have moved to, as we really miss her.  She has so far resisted and I don't think I will be successful with my mission. 

Anyway, the boys made cards with  LOTS of glitter, it's still everywhere and I think it will be for a long time.  There was a fight over the green glitter, because they both wanted it at the same time. 

Walked into town this afternoon, I'm on (another) mission, to wean the eldest off the push chair.  He walked all the way into town and did a bit of the walk on his scooter.  It's a good mile, so he did pretty well and was rewarded with the push chair for the (uphill) walk back. The youngest slept through it all, I think he has an awful lot of sleep to catch up on. 

Husband has finished work for the year, almost 2 weeks of family time, will be fantastic! 

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