Time Ladies and Gentlemen, Please!

Over to the Parents today - all seemed OK over there, and it wasn't too stressful. My dad had the football on, and we watched an entertaining match between Arsenal and Burnley. Jae and a couple of his friend have gone down to London to watch it live. I tried to spot them in the crowd, but no luck! It was a good win for Arsenal, so they will come home happy!

Brian fetched me home, and we took a detour across country via Potterhanworth, Bardney etc. so I could look for a Blip. I saw this abandoned pub, The Plough at Potterhanworth Booths and decided to take a few shots. It is a creepy place - it looks like they just locked it up one night and never went back...I took some shots through the windows, and of the reflection, cobwebs and flowers in another window! I have included a couple of those as extras.

Later tonight I will sort out what we need to get when we go to Tesco tomorrow (I did find my missing list from earlier in the week, so that will be a big help!)

Tomorrow is earmarked for shopping, collecting a parcel and generally making sure I know what I'm doing when on Christmas Day. I want it to be a super-relaxed affair like last Christmas was.

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