ChristmaSki Day 4

We decided to take a day off from Skiing today as we all had really sore legs!!!

It was recommended that we went into Chamonix Town centre as they had a market on, so hopped on the bus and off we went.

Chamonix really is beautiful and so authentic and looks very festive at this time of year!

We bought Sophie a cuddly Ginger cat as she's really missing her furry babies!

Then our chef was back for the evening where she cooked another amazing meal that actually - not many of us could actually finish!!! Emily was feeling a bit rough with a sore throat so didn't actually manage dinner as she went to bed but she's up now and feeling a bit better.
We are all snugged up with a roaring fire watching Watership Down, ready for another go on the Ski's tomorrow!

Todays blip is my beautiful Sophie Poke in her new hat!!! 

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