Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Poorly Little Boy

Poor boy really isn't very well. He refused to get dressed this morning and went to school in the buggy in his fleecy sleepsuit and fleecy dressing gown, covered up to his nose with his snugglebuggy. Luckily the playground was icy so Carys went straight into school so there was no waiting around for the bell to ring.

He also can't concentrate on anything, Cbeebies, books, drawing, jigsaws etc only hold his attention for about 5-10mins. Normally he would sit all day in front of the telly if I let him. He needs more sleep but won't lie down with me and I can't go out for another long walk this afternoon as I have a sainsburys shop coming.

So we went out to Tesco's this morning very quickly (I did persuade him to get dressed) as I just couldn't face the whole day in the house. We were hunting for plain black leggings for William for his ballet class as it is a little cold for shorts now. Success. The last pair of 3-4 black leggings in the shop (and he doesn't know they were in the girls section), plus a top and trousers for C (size 6-7!) for £6 down from £11 and her school coat for next year at a wonderful £8, reduced from £19. Bargain.

W is now eating jelly which is a huge step forward, but he has a long way to go. I am giving my apologies at the antenatal class tonight. I can't leave him at home like this. He only wants me and it isn't fair to leave Jim dealing with that when W is poorly. His childminder is poorly too, I think with a similar thing and hasn't worked since Friday, so I know it must be bad. It would actually be nice to have W at home for a whole day without any classes etc. if only he was well, but this is just miserable.

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