Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Skinny Lister

Headed down to London after work last night with my friend K. We had a lovely day, brunched at Beyond Bread, had a nosey at all the dead things in jars and skeletons at The Grant Museum of Zoology. Headed over to Holloway to Cookies and Scream for cake and milkshakes, they're 100% vegan and gluten free so we could both happily indulge. Dinner at Pho and then a quick pint before heading to the Skinny Lister gig at The Garage.

Crowd were rowdier than we were used to so spent a lot of time watching out to make sure each other stayed on our feet, elbow sharpened to defend ourselves. Gig was fantastic and they even ended it with "snow" in the form of a foam cannon.

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