Christmas Sparkles
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Another package from Germany today! This time it was bottles of sparkling wine which is local to Auslaender. It was a very generous and lovely gift and I feel very spoilt. I look forward to opening (at least) one on Christmas Day!
The Prince and I went for dinner with Marsh and Kitty Cat to The Black Ivy tonight. Marsh’s birthday was last weekend and Kitty Cat bought him a Thai massage and booked him in on his birthday.
Marsh isn’t a person who would ever volunteer to go for a massage so he wasn’t hugely enthusiastic. He had us in stitches describing how the tiny Thai masseuse had practically dislocated both of his shoulders at the end of the session and while he was still reeling, bid him farewell with ‘Thank you. Sorry for hurting you’. Apparently, he was still shaking the following day!
It is the last social arrangement we have until Christmas Day. I am looking forward to some PJ time.
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