Ousenstand Bridge

Many thanks to all of you for your lovely comments on my blip birthday yesterday. There is so much about this spot that is remarkable. Who knows where moments of serendipity will emerge from.

As I headed off today I was extremely glad I called by my friend’s because my car kept beeping at me and she instantly identified the problem having had it herself (a bag on the passenger seat identified as needing a seatbelt).

I’ve posted this poem a number of times but I never tire of it...

Metaphors of a Magnifico - Wallace Stevens

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Are twenty men crossing twenty bridges,
Into twenty villages,
Or one man
Crossing a single bridge into a village.

This is old song
That will not declare itself . . .

Twenty men crossing a bridge,
Into a village,
Twenty men crossing a bridge
Into a village.

That will not declare itself
Yet is certain as meaning . . .

The boots of the men clump
On the boards of the bridge.
The first white wall of the village
Rises through fruit-trees.
Of what was it I was thinking?
So the meaning escapes.

The first white wall of the village . . .
The fruit-trees . . .

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