Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Ta Kalenda

December 24th and that's the day children sing you a Xmas song and play the triangle and expect some gift from you for their wishing you well ~ in earlier days they collected sweets, but sweets are exchanged for coins now. It's like St. Martin in HOlland on NOvember 11th and like Helloween in USA October's final day ~  Such a Sweet tradition here and to spot the children everywhere and they're the same happy young ones like every where :-)

Met those boys on the streets of the city Chania, they were accompanied by the father of one of them and more kids had a parent along with them, to keep an eye on their well being! It pleased me to see the parents take such care of their kids in the " wild world"  of the anonymous city.

It's a busy day with all on the streets for shopping, and no way to pass by from town by car... just traffic jams everywhere. I walked my 2 hours thro town to get the gifts I want for my friends here.... the idea of what to give always comes late in my mind, but I got them just in the nick of time :)

When proceeding towards the city centre I looked back and spotted the White Mountains shimmering under the Mid-day sun; that's in the extra.

Wishing you all a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And PEACE on EARTH for all of us who live here on earth = Nature in its widest concept and us humans, who forget we're part of that Nature

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