ChristmaSki Day 6

It has poured with rain all night which has melted most of the local snow which is a shame.

But we all (except Mr W!) decided to still go up the mountain and have another go at skiing. There was still plenty of snow up there but it was also raining hard so we only got 3 or 4 runs in before we decided to call it a day and head back to the chalet again. We were absolutely drenched!!

Luckily our chalet is only 2 bus stops from the slopes then a 5 minute walk but I had bought a full days pass which will be wasted but there you go.

We are now back at the chalet, Sam has lit a fire, Mr W is snoozing on the sofa, Josh has gone to the gym in Chamonix and the girls have started early with the shower, make up and hair sessions!!

We have booked a table at the local Micro Brewery and restaurant tonight, a new enterprise so thought we would support the local .

Happy Christmas Blippers and hope you have a lovely, restful, peaceful few days with your loved ones. 


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