This morning was spent delivering my mincemeat Christmas cakes to various friends.  One was for Keith, Mr. HCB’s cricket buddy, who lives on his own, since his wife died a couple of years ago, and as she used to make lovely cakes, I thought he would appreciate something home-made and he seemed very pleased.  Of course, the chat got around to cricket, but I am a very understanding wife, and let them chat!

It is amazing how just a small home-made cake can delight people so much, but I guess part of it too, is that someone has taken the trouble not only to make the cake but to visit at a busy time of year.

I needed to go out and buy some more hearts, and also managed to give out several more today to spread some Christmas love around.

The other evening when we came home, we noticed a house just round the corner from where we live with lots of beautiful lights, so I decided I would wait until after dark this evening to go round and photograph the house.  The actual photograph isn’t that brilliant, but what was of more importance to both Mr. HCB and me was the fact that not only the owner of the house with the lights, but also a couple from across the road, came out to chat and that made our evening.  I did explain what I was doing and about Blip, just so they knew we weren't "casing their joints"! 

We didn’t intend being out for long but 45 minutes later got home to find our Shepherd’s Pie was rather well done - but it still tasted good.

Mr. HCB and I wish all our lovely Blip friends a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year.  

“I have always thought of Christmastime, 
     when it has come round….
          as a good time; 
               a kind, forgiving, charitable, 
                    pleasant time; 
the only time I know of, 
     in the long calendar of the year, 
          when men and women seem 
               by one consent to open 
                    their shut-up hearts freely…..
Charles Dickens : A Christmas Carol

P.S.  We have a little grey wagtail that has been coming into our garden every day - Mr. HCB doesn’t remember seeing one before, so is thrilled.  I managed to take a few shots through the window - see extra - it is such a pretty little bird.

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