
By biddy

Christmas Eve.

I was out at our local shops early this morning. I had to defrost the car first! 
After yesterday's rain, there were raindrops glistening on next door's Pieris Forest Flame. 
Popped in to see a friend on my way home. 
We went to a wonderful Carol Service at 4.00 yesterday afternoon at the Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church. It was very beautifully described by amandoAlentejo in her blip.
It was lovely to see her and hubby in person. 
Another friend dropped in later on today when I was visiting our neighbours next door to exchange Christmas presents. We do this each year on Christmas Eve. 
I had one more gift to wrap. 
Now in my jim jams. 
A candle burning on the hearth.
About to watch University Challenge Quiz on BBC TV. 
(I have to watch it with the  subtitles on! At least I can read the questions, even if they are unintelligible to me! )
Occasionally I get one right! 
I hope you all have a Peaceful Christmas wherever you are and  whatever you are doing. 
O Little Town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie.
Above thy steep and  dreamless streets
The silent stars go by. 
Yet in thy dark streets shineth 
The Everlasting Light.
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight. 
Extra of the unusual light at 7.50 am today.

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