Man in the moon!!

This tree ornament is over 70 years old, i have another which is santa on a sleigh.

There is a story behind them.

Not long after the war was over my mum arrived home one christmas with a box of trimmings and an artificial tree. She told me we had to look after them because they had belonged to a little girl who had died, and her mummy was very sad and didn't want them herself.
It wasn't unusual in those days for children to suddenly die or dissapear looking back i remember words like polio, diphtheria, meningitis we did look after them but of course 70 years is a long time and i only have the 2 now. I think of that little girl every Christmas.

Hope you all have a lovely 2 days with your families, friends or even on your own, and in the words of Dave Allen "May your god go with you"

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