Best i could do

In the circumstances.

What a Christmas Eve.

Last night Maddy was very sick again so i rang the vet this morning got an appointment at 9am she examined her and remarked how pot bellied Maddy was which was another worrying factor to us, then she decided to take some bloods.
We came home then went back half an hour later, sat for a good half hour waiting to be seen. Jade, the vet, said she would like to do a scan so we left Maddy there went home took Tanzy and Molly a walk had lunch then about 2.15 vet rang and said she had found some anomalies and wanted a better scan could we take her to Morley which i there main vets and they have better equipment.
So we went over the traffic was horrendous we waited ages then they took her in more waiting then we were called in and given the bad news.
She has cancer and its causing internal bleeding . He said he couldn't give us a timescale but it could be 2 days or 3 to 4 weeks but he could give us painkillers etc for her if we wanted to take her home. Which we did. Got home at about 5pm what a day.

Now we will give her lots of love and cuddles and when we know its time we will accept it.

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