Big Red Ball

It's been a bit of a blip washout today!

I headed off for a swim this morning. I used to swim loads but then a few years back I had a really achy shoulder and the swimming went by the by. I was dreading the pool being cold but it was lovely and warm and the place was quiet too hardly surprising given it was peeing it down with icy rain. I did 40 lengths and called it a day :). I shall do it again on Thursday I think as I enjoyed it a lot.

Popped into Cupar on the way back to play parking spot bingo on account of the rain and managed to get one right outside the door of the shop I had my sights on. Result! So, some Christmas tat was bought and some stocking fillers! I also did some online retail therapy this afternoon...the list is getting smaller not that it was huge to start with!

I have now bedecked the kitchen with fairly lights and festive nick knacks. It's a start. The tree can wait till the weekend.

One of my festive purchases from today - without it I would have been blippless! Prepare for more if this wet stuff keeps up

I can feel a small festive cava coming on :)

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