The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

And All Through The House

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent the morning pottering doing food prep. Dressings for starter Done. Red cabbage. Done. Cranberry and lentil bake. Done. Brussel sprouts parboiled. Done. Table cloth ironed*. Done. Sekt in fridge. Done.

Marsh came round with the boys, Wolverine and Gladiator who are 7 and 9. Kitty Cat was working so sadly she missed out on the mulled wine. It’s fair to say that Wolverine was VERY excited about Christmas. He is pretty much the human version of Murphy! The two of spent a long time running round the garden in circles. When he came in, he wanted to play a dilemma game...

“What is faster, a cheetah or a lion?”
“Would you rather be bitten by an alligator or a crocodile?”
And my personal favourite...
“What is slower, a hippo or a lazy hippo?”

After they left, the Mini Princesses and I changed into matching brussel sprouts Christmas PJs (“Are we really THAT family mum?” asked The Eldest Mini Princess. “Yes we are!”)

We watched Christmas tv until bedtime with Murphy snuggled up next to me. I am ready for Christmas now. Bring it on!


*The Prince helpfully enquired ‘Are you mental” at that point.

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