It's a wrap (nearly)

So, you know when I said yesterday that it was all eating and drinking from here? Well, I was in denial about the shopping and the wrapping. 

The three pronged attack on the shopping started, this morning. After dropping Dan at work, Abi and I went to Sainsbury's in Morecambe to do all the food shopping.

Later in the day, on the way to drop her off at Oxenholme, Milly and I did all the booze shopping. That ended up being quite a lot, possibly because I was shopping with an under-graduate. 

And finally I went to Booths, solo, this afternoon, to buy the stuff I remembered once all of the rest of the shopping was done. 

That was all a huge weight off my mind (and into the fridge), leaving the wrapping. This is an activity that I would normally do on Christmas Eve, wishing I'd done it sooner, so well done me for tackling it, this evening. Not that I finished it, OF COURSE, but most of it was done, maybe half a dozen items left. The deadline is near but arguably still over the horizon. 

-10.6 kgs
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Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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