Lights of my life

It is a quiet morning as I blip. Me having my new Christmas presents in use and enjoying our humble home and the life as it is. A Grey and misty winter day enlightening...

The candle decoration from my son and a red decorated mug from my daughter. Trying to learn to use my new mobile phone...

All the others (that means my husband and daughter) are still sleeping and me having breakfast by myself. Catching up your blips, my old Blip mates. Maybe trying to find also new Aquintances from the Blip world..

Our son has found a lovely girlfriend and visited last night with her. We had a good dinner and later some pancakes. Then they took my car and drove to her place for night.

Young love <3 pair will be here again today - for skating on the lake ice. There is some 12cm solid ice cover already. Splendid and bright to skate. An extra shot will be added here later if they do come skating.


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