Frozen beauty

Thank you blippers, for many comments and chatting lately. Favourites and stars very appreciated and I noticed few subscriptions too - nice to have you around, indeed!!! 

After misty night we had frost settled everywhere in the morning, on any surfaces. All white world again, but temperature only +0c, so this beauty will not last too long....

As I had a walk with my husband during the brightest daylight, I found this frozen rose bud. As it's dark and foggy day again, I added a small sun flare into the Blip.. . 

We made a walk to the lake ice, as I had to fetch a photo of my crystal ball to test a new kind of mirror like scene... The result in the extra. Made in Photoshop elements 12 ( yes, my old PSE-application needs maybe soon updating, but as it still works... well, I have no hurry! ). 


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