Day 4

Did I tell you about our advent calendars? We have plenty in our house this year and as a result we are having to get up about 20 minutes earlier than normal just to open all the doors! It is great fun though and building an air of excitement about Christmas which I have tried hard to encourage each December, over the past few years.

Well, we have five advent calendars in total; the boys both have a sticker nativity scene calendar each, curtesy of one Granny and another nativity scene calendar with parts of the Christmas story each day, curtesy of their other Granny. There is also a little house with 24 doors, in which there are chocolates of various sizes and finally 24 little red buckets, each with an advent challenge inside.

So each day the morning routine now includes a rush for stickers, the story, chocolate and a challenge. I made up a fair few challenges on Friday night before setting up the tiny red buckets along the fireplace, but I have to admit that I change what is set for the next day most nights depending on how I feel about what I want to do after school!

Today, the challenge was to colour in Christmas cards - and so the boys set to work!

It is now 10 past midnight and into the 5th and I have yet to decide what tomorrows challenge might be! Any ideas?!

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