love nature

By lovenature

Up on Calton Hill

We had friends over yesterday and decided that we would go on an afternoon Edinburgh Christmas festivities walk with them. 
 So we headed up to Calton Hill first, just as the sun was setting and as you can see got the most fantastic views from this vantage point.  In the forground you can see one of the Enlightenment inspired buildings which are scattered across Calton Hill, this one is The Duguld Stewart Monument which is modelled on Tower of the Winds in Athens by Lysicrates.
  We also looked at the new development up on Calton Hill which seems to be a café, gallery and an exhibition Observatory building, they open again on the 3rd January so we will need to go back.
We enjoyed the ice rink on St Andrews Square but didn't venture on, and then walked down George Street to 'Silent Light' at the far end of the street.  This is a cathedral of Christmas lights which flashes along to music in which people bob along to a silent disco-Edinburgh has everything!

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