Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Finally! 1000!

This has been my blip goal for the year..
Despite having really taken my leisurely time to reach it, having started in June 2010, today I finally reach 1000 blips!

I regret dropping out from time to time resulting in a big gap in the record, but I do not regret, not for a moment, signing up for blip after reading an article in the Glasgow Herald newspaper and then deciding to give it a go myself.
Thank you to all the people who regularly peek in at my blips and to those who take even more time to comment.

Just for old times sake is a very early blip, and also the one to celebrate 10 blips - which seemed like a huge commitment at the time. Gosh, my world has changed enormously since then, but my love for my family is a constant.

Daddy making dinner, 7 June 2010


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