Grandad and the Ginger one...

MrsT and L were away early this morning volunteering for a gymnastics bag pack session at Morrison’s. My idea of hell :-)

I made a pot of soup and primed a piece of stripwood for L’s bedroom which I’ll gloss tomorrow.

I then ran to a P90X fitness class which seemed a good idea at the time but then had to run back. It was only 7km but my legs were like lead after 60 mins of lunges and squats, etc.

We were invited to my Aunt & Uncles house who live two streets away for a family gathering. It was really good seeing my cousin who’s over with his wife from San Francisco and works in the whisky trade there.

Also there was my sisters family, my dad & K and Ks daughter and family along with some neighbours.

This was my nephew and dad having some friendly football banter.

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