Mindy Wants Me Tae!

A breezy day and drizzle rain all day.  Drier tonight, but the wind is picking up.

A very lazy Sunday morning, no weather to do much.  I finally plucked up the courage to go out walkies with Sammy after lunch.  I headed out to see friends in the afternoon.  There's been a squad meeting with the boys this evening.  Feet up by the fire and a movie tonight. 

I headed out to see friends Lorraine and Tommy Jamieson, also friend Julie and Ross were there too.  A good yarn over a cuppa, and that's when the problems started!  Peerie Mindy kept an eye on me, every moment I took a drink of tea.  There was growling, woofing, and a clapping her made it worse.  Finally I gave in, and let her get the dregs of my cuppa :)   Never seen a dog love tea as much as Mindy :)  Taken at Atlaness, Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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