
By NellieD

Gratitude Jar

The problem with being on a plane when every single person seems to be coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose is that you're highly likely to catch something. So many times I seem to start the New Year with a cold and sore throat and it's looking like this year will be no different!

Fortunately we have no plans tonight as we decided to spend on our holiday instead of £100 on a meal. Takeaway and a film for us.

I've finished my 52nd year of the book today so just hit my target of reading a book a week. Still on holiday washing catch up so don't plan on leaving the house today.

I managed to get my Gratitude Jar ready for my first entry tomorrow. I always thought I wouldn't be able to commit to writing every day for a whole year, about something I'm grateful for or a positive thing that happened that day. I've stuck with Blip though so I'm going to give this a try too. Already looking forward to looking back over 365 reminders of 2019! 

As the new year approaches, I send you my very best wishes for a happy and healthy 2019. Be kind to yourself ... and to others.

Quote for today:
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.
- Brad Paisley 

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