
By NellieD

Two Hundred Blips!

Two hundred blips
On New Year's Day too!

Happy blip-versary to me
Unfortunately everywhere is closed, and I'm full of a cold
Not many places to venture for a really great blip
Do I stay in
Relaxing and hoping that I'll spot something in the house?
Even if the photo isn't worthy of the milestone
Decisions, decisions!

Because whatever I blip
Love it or hate it
It's all about what I see today
Perfect, fantastic or just downright mundane
Something to look back on to remind me of today 

I seem to have perfectly timed my 200th blip! I can clearly remember being out for lunch (and cocktails) with my crochet/knit group and talking about Blip, saying I was waiting for that perfect photo to start or perhaps that I would wait for New Year's Day. My friend, a keen photographer herself, asked why I didn't just start and suggested that I would miss so much if I waited for another 6 months - and I would never think I had a good enough first photo.

So, I left the restaurant on Saturday 16th June 2018 and took my first photo and have a lot to thank her for. Imagine what I would have missed if today was my first blip ... meeting the sculptor of the Blue Peter ship as it was installed, being turned into cosmic matter at the Science Festival and all those chance photos you can't ever recreate.

The bird sums it up for my New Year's wish for you all, just do more of what makes you happy. Don't make it a New Year's resolution or "I'll start on Monday". Just decide what you want and go for it. There really is no better time to start than right now, whenever that might be.

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks so much for all the kind comments on my journal and allowing me to peak into all your wonderful lives. I hope 2019 is truely wonderful for you all.

Quote for today:
If not now, then when?
If not here, then where?
If not this, then what?
If not you, then who?
- Unknown

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