Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Match - #MM258

These are two of my Christmas presents: a rather wonderful wooden chopping board for the kitchen behind a wooden candlestick.

JohnEdward, who is very kindly hosting MonoMonday today (thanks, JE) has set the subject as 'Match'.  So in the sense 'Match' has of forming a pair, these are both made of the same material and one of the top ribs of the candlestick lines up perfectly with the mid line of the chopping board.  In another sense of 'Match' as placing in opposition to the form of the candle stick is vertical while the board behind is strongly diagonal.  So I hope this fulfils the brief.

Not much else to say about today.  A lovely lunch at the Chestnut Horse with a mercifully short walk afterwards (it's been depressingly grey all day) - and agreement that the thought of politicians returning to Westminster is quite appalling.  Why don't they all stay away???

But I do hope the whole of blipworld has a wonderful New Year.  Enjoy yourselves  xx

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