Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

As good as it gets?

Had a lovely and very unexpected visit from my son last night.  He would normally have been partying with friends to see in the new year, but had a sudden yen to get up early and run over St Catherine's Hill to see the first 2019 sunrise.  So he came back to Winchester, slept in the office and was out in his running shoes before it was light.

There was a sunrise and I rather wished I'd gone down to the nature reserve early, because it then clouded over entirely, but by 11.30 the sky looked as good as it gets.  For about an hour!  During which I walked into town and found a huge flock of finches in this rosebush, who I thought should be my blip.

So now I want to say a very happy New Year to you all.  I wish you a fantastic year.  And if personally I feel pessimistic about 2019 - that it's unlikely to be as good as it gets or anything near - it may surprise us yet  ;))


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