
By catoblips

today i read back over the year.....i do this each’s a good way to find out if prayers have been answered, problems have been solved, any joys to share....are there any thank you’s due
and to keep a check on myself....

i intended to go to Ellesmere for a walk but when i saw the long rows of cars trying to get into Oswestry i gave it a miss and went to Whittington instead....the blip is of reeds being blown by the wind....

in one of the extras you see an oliebol and a beaker with prosecco....the oliebol a Dutch tradition that my daughter has taken over from me....i love that she’s teaching Tom, her eldest.....he loves them too...

blipfriends i wish you all a good year ahead with more than enough joy to bear the pain and sorrow....
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all blip and facebook friends...x

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