No, That's Not Lizzie!

It's a Christmas card my daughter gave me.  Not that Lizzie doesn't look like that occasionally, but it's usually without antlers.  I would like to stay on Lizzie's good side so I would never attempt such a thing.

Goose Report:  See Extra.  They were relaxing today.  My limping goose had a healthy meal on my doorstep and seems to be doing okay.  She will actually let me touch her while she's eating and I'm slowly working my way around her so that I can be in a better position to either grab her or throw something over her.  I'll keep slowly getting closer and closer since I probably will only have one chance and I don't want to blow it.  I'm not going to try the actual "grab" until Wednesday or Thursday after I call the rescue folks and make sure they're available.  I know that when it comes to wildlife, patience is the key but I also know that she might be running out of energy or tolerance for her broken leg, so I probably need to do something soon. 

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