Tandem trainees

We introduced Paddy and Caitlin to the fine art of tandem cycling this afternoon. Here they are on the esplanade for the 20 seconds or so that Caitlin took the driver's seat. She discovered very quickly that she is as keen as me on taking charge of the bike!

Much of the rest of the day was dedicated to preparing food for our New Year's Eve supper and a games afternoon that we have planned for tomorrow. My extras show this evening's feast: smoked salmon cocktails, lobster thermidor, profiteroles, and cheese. We also played Catan. Paddy (AKA the World Catan Champion) won - just. I almost caught him using a sheep port strategy, but Mr hazelh scuppered that by blocking my wall building plans.

We saw in 2019 from the top of Calton Hill. It was surprisingly balmy up there compared with the conditions of previous years.

Exercise today: 14 mile bike ride.

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