New Year’s Day 2019

A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

Did I think for a minute that having a quadruple measure of Bailey’s with just a slurp of vodka to add a little kick because I was sitting on my own on Hogmanay, that there would be no penance to be paid for such largesse?
At that moment in time I wasn’t caring, but many hours later as I tossed and turned in bed with an overactive brain and twitching legs, I knew my punishment was being enacted.

It didn’t help that at midnight on the dot I felt under bombardment from some unseen enemy as the noise and thuds of the firework display sounded as though the enemy was at the gate. The noise was deafening and I’m sure the house rocked a bit as the thuds resounded as if directly above us. Apparently it was an awesome sight but I missed it all.

I also missed the tall dark handsome man first footing me. In fact not only was I my first foot, I was also the first foot for a friend when I went to have coffee with her. There can’t be anything less propitious than a 5’ 2” faired haired ,blue eyed woman first footing you. I will be watching her wellbeing this year.

Now I am intending to reconnoitre the marches to witness the carnage of last night, but I am falling asleep as I write this blog which doesn’t augur well.

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