May the road rise up to meet you

A lovely start to the year, taking a five mile walk out to Casterton and back with the Minx. As we passed back through Kirkby Lonsdale on our way home, stopping to get coffees from The Milking Parlour, there were already people gathered outside the Royal, drinking. The last two New Year's Days in Kirkby Lonsdale have been pretty lairy and, reminded of this, I changed my plans for this evening (which had revolved around a curry with Dan and Abi). 

Consequently, the only activity this afternoon was a trip out to Booths to buy ingredients for both vegetarian and con carne chillis, this evening. Apart from that it was mostly lying about in front of the fire and, for me, pondering what I was going to put in this post about my plans for 2019. 

For a start, there are a few things that I just need to get on with. I see my kids doing at least an hour's homework every day so I should do the same and set aside time for learning German, as well as playing more guitar and, maybe, some piano. That's my main resolution.

I want to lose that last stone, too, and get down to being 20kgs below where I was at the start of 2017. And that should improve my running, as well. 

So, I'll continue tracking my weight daily here until I hit -20 kgs and then I'll switch to weekly, just to keep an eye on it. Honestly, I can't tell you what a difference it has made publishing my weight; it's made me far more disciplined. 

I think I'll carry on tracking my books for now but I'm going to bin the number of words written each day for my barely started novel - it is, let's face it, nearly always zero - but I'll put up the number if I do write.

And that's it! All the best for 2019, everyone. God knows what's going to happen but let's hope we all get through it OK.

-10.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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