campervan man

By campervan

Quiet afternoon stroll on the coast

For some reason we thought a trip to Horsey Gap to see the seals on New Years Day would be a good idea.
We began to have doubts when we struggled to find a place to park in the large overflow car park. When we joined a queue of people snaking along the road, on the track behind the dunes and then on the path up to the top of the dunes. Some way along this path I turned and took this blip.
The seals were spread along the beach and included big bulls and a lot of small (relatively) white pups. They are really stupid looking creatures on land, lumbering over the sand by "wobble power". People were being kept off the beach by the Seal Wardens, to protect both the animals and the humans.
Ended the visit at Poppylands cafe with a large and warming mug of coffee and a comforting slice of lemon cake.

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