Dr Jones

By jones

New Year’s Day dinner

Having gone to bed at 1:40m this morning, I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I eventually dragged myself out at 10am and despite feeling really tired, I went for a run. Ben came with me. We'd planned to have a New Year's Day dinner and invited his parents as they couldn't make Christmas dinner as they were both unwell with stinking colds. As we were preparing the table, I noticed that the table cover had ripped so I popped to Asda to find another one. They didn't have any and I contemplated buying a bed sheet so I called Ben to ask what size the table was. He said that his parents had decided they were too ill to come so the bed sheet went back on the shelf. Ben put the large table top back in the cellar. Dan, Anne, Molly and Lucy came round at 12.30. I'd bought some modelling balloons in Asda so the girls made party hats for us. 
Later on in the afternoon, Dan, Anne and the girls went home to pick George so that we could all go for a walk on the beach. Whilst we were waiting for them to come back, Rhodri turned up and he came for a walk with us. We walked to Gimblet Rock and back. 
We were all pretty tired afterwards and when Rhodri left, we had a snooze on the sofa. Penny, Ben and I then watched TV all evening. 

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