Treacherous journey

I left work at 4 tonight, set on running home. The paths around the Gyle were so treacherous - it was way too icy to run. About a mile in, a pedestrian shouted at me, saying I had a suicide mission. At that point I decided to stop and get the bus.

After another couple of miles, the ice was completely gone. So I got off the bus and ran the last couple of miles home.

It was pitch black by the time I got to Holyrood Park so I whipped out my head torch and ran on. This is my first use of my head torch so I'm really quite happy to have finally used it! The park was also icy so I'm pleased I had it. I've now named him Harry the head torch.

This is my view running with the head torch. Can you see the icy grass in the light circle?

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