
With dog walking and allotment chores being a big part of our daily routine at present, mud features heavily in our lives.  Be it on boots, or paws, floors or clothing, I seem to spend endless amounts of time cleaning it off of things!

Today we've been to the allotment at Liss again.  This time we've moved down the bench, two gooseberry bushes and some raspberry canes.  There is not much left to come down - perhaps a plum tree (if I have room at my new allotment for it), a storage box and some more raspberries.  Then hopefully that will be it.  

It has been a grey day today, the light fading by 14:30.  This contrasts with yesterday when we were greeted with blue skies and sunshine for much of the day.  The shortened hours of daylight mean we feel we've barely done the morning dog walk and quick job or two, before we have to go out for the afternoon walk.  At least it means we have been having time to sit down in the evening and enjoy some podcasts and television programmes together.  We've re-watched Ethel and Earnest - the story of Raymond Briggs parents' life - and got rather caught up in the Christmas episodes of University Challenge as we've been able to answer more questions than usual (I think they are deliberately easier as all the contestants are ex-students who have voluntarily returned to take part in the series).

Hoping you are finding pleasant things to fill your days.  

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