
It has been mild today - around 10 degrees - but with a breeze and dampness in the air, it has felt much colder.  So, we have lit the fire - for the first time this winter - a sign of how mild it has been.  Merlin loves the warmth and quickly settled down in front of the stove with his favourite Christmas present - a little pink hedgehog.  

It has been a day of popping to the charity shops to drop off five bags of possessions which we no longer require.  I am trying to be ruthless as we don't have a lot of storage space and so much of what we have we don't actually use or need.

I've also been on the hunt for a new year's gift for a family member, but despite my efforts, I have not succeeded in finding anything suitable.  I'd pinned my last hopes for the day on a local farm shop but when I arrived there it was shut, so I will try again later in the week in the hope I can pick up some special foodie things.

Hoping your day has gone well.  My best wishes to you.

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