
Had a decadent long lie this morning as Freya had to be at the doctors in Gourock at 9 so instead of leaving the house before 7.30, I was just getting out of bed. This was the view at the front door at 8.30 when we were getting ready to take Noah to school. I love the pink in the sky as it's actually in the west, I can only imagine what it must have looked like in the east as sun was rising, hope uncle Al caught it and I'll get a good idea.

We were discussing options for Freya's throat which was fairly straight forward as we have none at present! ENT won't entertain a referral until she's HAD 6 courses of antibiotics and for those of you keeping count we're only on 4 as yet. She finishes the current course on Sunday and we hardly dare hope that she will be clear of tonsillitis. The good news is she tested negative for glandular fever but some of the white cells did look a bit weird so she's to get tested again if she becomes afflicted again next week.

Bought some Christmas cards and gift wrap today so might do a spot of unseasonably early organising. It's hard to keep secrets from husbands and teenagers so at least if they're gift wrapped I'll not be worrying about what they might discover.

Every week day when I post a daylight blip feels like a success. I'm loving the new iphone app, I don't spend much time at the computer and it's lovely to have all the best bits of blip right there in the palm of my hand. I'm especially loving the newsfeed and have discovered lots of gorgeous photos and interesting journals in the last 24 hours.

Great work from Joe and the boffins!

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