A little trip to the Loch this morning after shopping. It is a very cold and grey day, so not great for photos, however I was really pleased to at long last see the Whooper Swans on the loch. There were also some Greylag geese. I met a man also taking photos of the swans, so it was nice to have a chat with him, although he had two big cameras with very large lenses, I felt like hiding my little camea, but was really chuffed as when he looked at my photos, he said mine where so much better than his. That made my day.
Have just come in from the garden where I managed with a saw and a pair of snips to take down a wooden archway which was lying to one side as it was encased with large branches of ivy which is on a wall. I had a great workout with the saw, but am now in for a break.
My extra is just another shot of the loch on a grey day.
Many thank for your visit, it is much appreciated.

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