Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Blip it

I have had one of those 'slipped Blip' kind of days. You know the ones I mean - you get up and the sky is a great colour, a beautiful Blip is in front of you but you get distracted and by the time you get back to it, it just looks like normal sky again.

Or you see a cat sleeping around a teddy but you don't have your camera, or 2 friends flicking through a photo album, sharing a memory, or your child has a collander on her head but it's gone by the time you get your camera.

It might be that you are more focussed on the little things around you more than usual or that your day really is filled with fragments of light and miracles where normally the hectic pace means those moments don't push through.

Whatever the reason - it's been one of those days. I could have blipped 20 different things. But even then I'd have only been able to pick one and I'd have spent 40 minutes frozen with indecision working out what to post.

So in the end I blipped this beautiful ornament that I bought today. It's a jewellery stand but why anybody would hang anything on it when it's already so intricate and lovely I have no idea (maybe I don't have the right jewellery...). I bought it after going to see this. It is a stunning little exhibition and no photo in the world will make up for seeing it in person, so if you get the chance to go and see them - please, please, PLEASE do it.

I felt like a kid again, watching a fairytale unfurl before me and then I saw this in a shop window and it fitted my mood perfectly. A little fairytale for my own mantelpiece.

After that I went to a book shop to spend a birthday book token (thanks Mum) and I'm now the proud owner of this and this (only on page 11 and I can't stop thinking about it).

I even managed to get a few nice Thank You's from the Family Dog before packing them off to bed / basketball.

An all round lovely day now I look back on it..

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