The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Festive Traditions

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Mini Princesses and I went for afternoon tea at the Dome with The Explorer, Diego And Alicia. We did the same thing last year. Does that mean it’s now a tradition? If so, it’s a good one.

The Dome is just so beautiful at Christmas time. It’s only a couple of days before all the decorations will come down and get packed away for another year so it was lovely to still feel Christmassy. I’m not ready to think about real life yet.

The Explorer and I decided to go for the non fizzy option this year. Tea in silver pots was my much preferred drink of choice. To go with our tiny sandwiches, tiny scones and tiny cakes.

We had a really nice afternoon in our Christmas bubble. Both of The Mini Princesses have a lot on their plates. Growing up is hard. Knowing who you are takes time. Liking that person takes longer. I hope they realise how much there is to like.


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