Outside the National Gallery....

A wonderful day with a friend and ex colleague from the castle school. We try to meet each holiday and as the new term begins on Monday, today was the day. 

We had a wander through some of the rooms in the National Gallery. I must come back here soon and spend longer. Much to appreciate and learn. As we came out, the sunshine over Trafalgar Square was bright and the sky very blue even though the temperature was chilly. 

Onto Fortnum & Mason for a browse. Their sale prices are still pretty out of our range but confirm that we do have good taste! The  decorations are down and the displays changing and we enjoyed the store at a quieter time.

Finally, eating in Ciccetti's in Piccadilly. Just a snack really but with a glass of sparkling wine to belatedly celebrate Bittoo's special birthday at the beginning of December. 

Meanwhile, D has taken up all the dahlia tubas/tubers (?...either it seems) ready for their winter storage. The conservatory floor is covered with a tarpaulin and boxes until the tubas are treated and ready for housing in the garage. A job done much later this year...  

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