Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bless ‘em all

Bless ‘em all
The long and the short and the tall ...

The Yoga Mama and I went for coffee in Marciano’s and then did a bit of shopping. There was an element of cup fever around as the local non-league side were entertaining premiership Watford, but the bigger buzz and the larger part of the crowds were probably attributable to post-Christmas bargain hunters. I bought a small frying pan for making vegan omelettes and The Yoga Mama got a baking tin and some descaler for her kettle. Exciting stuff. So exciting in fact that someone left their handbag in the coffee shop. Hint: it wasn’t me. But all ended well with the staff having retrieved it from under the table we had been sitting at.

Earlier that morning the household had carried on last night’s activities with more kalooki and pistachios. I confined myself to peeling spuds and pulling sprouts off a stalk for lunch.

Unfortunately my stomach cramps have returned - my body knows that after tomorrow I have to go back to work. The last fortnight I have been in good health but the stress free days are nearly over. Soon it will be deadlines again and stress exacerbates my colitis. Quote "An improper stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functions of the internal organs, is responsible ... and leads to impairment of the functional organs."

Breathe. I’m still living the good life. Try and keep a sense of perspective ... Even when surrounded by very small and very tall people ...

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