
I first posted this photo of dear Kathy back in September 2017.

Today we heard the wonderful news that after all this time the person who so misused her trust and stole precious things from her, has received a prison sentence, albeit in his absence as he has absconded yet again.

Amazingly, because Kathy is unable to do too much now, the court came to her home! Magistrates in wigs held court in her living room! SO amazing and she is thrilled...! 

This week we will take her back to the antique gallery that were so helpful in tracking the stolen goods at auction, so Kathy can share the news with them. 

This morning our minister began a new winter/Spring programme on Paradox, or "But, on the other hand...."  So many things in life present us with choices and we are frequently torn between them. I am reminded that even when I have made mistakes, God has been there to begin again and make new. 

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